Be More Productive With Genius Techniques

Be More Productive!!!

3 min readApr 16, 2022

Pomodoro is the Italian term for tomatoes. Pomodoro introduced by Francesco Cirillo. Pomodoro is a learning technique with a certain time with pauses. For example, you want to study 45 minutes and after that you set a pause of 15 minutes.

Well, the time you set is repeat many times or you can change it according to your respective intensity. But keep in mind, don’t set the lag time too long. Because it will be prone to bring up the nature of procrastination.

Make a list of your activities while undergoing this technique, check if it has done and take a break. Then, go back to running the next activity, until the list of activities you made is achieve. So, it’s important to make a reasonable to-do list and work on it at the time.

With Pomodoro, you can also increase your productivity and creativity. Most important, prevent yourself from the habit of procrastination.

Pomodoro is very simple and very easy to do every day. Only using a smartphone as a timer, you can comfort be productive. Pomodoro also trains you to stay focused and ignore outside distractions. And you can think of the break as your reward. Because you’ve managed to focus and ignore external distractions.

Pomodoro can also increase your discipline in doing things. With this technique, you will get used to discipline in everything. Due to the determination of study times and breaks. That way, you prevent yourself from wasting time in vain.

No less important, Pomodoro can also maintain your physical and mental health. Because by limiting learning, you are preventing yourself from burnout. Keep in mind, learning is good. But, if the intensity is excessive. It would be the other way around. Anything that done in excess is not good.

There is a unique method I quoted from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. So, when you’re having a hard time creating a good habit, there’s an interesting way to try. The trick is when you want to create a new habit, you try to insert it with things you like. For example, there are people who want to be skinny by exercising, but want to watch Netflix. Then he made his own program. The program is that he pedals a stationary bicycle and has to reach a certain speed steady. So, the movie he is watching continues to run. That way he creates a trigger and rewards himself with things he likes.

Learning does make us smart, broaden our horizons and learn a lot of new things. But, we also shouldn’t ignore things that we like ourselves. There are times when we need a break and want to do what we do, so we don’t get bored when you’re productive. It’s better if we manage it better, so it doesn’t have a negative impact because it’s done too much. That way, you can take care of your mental and physical health.

Take a break. Meditation, drink a cup of tea, take a short walk or do something relaxing (not work-related), and you can also do activities that you enjoy. With that, your brain will thank you.




I focus writing about mindset, tips, different perpective, story from my life and more. From books or experiences.